Saturday, May 15, 2010

Men and Women

Many factors contribute daily to how women and men feel about their bodies and the bodies of the apposite sex. Women have enough problems and worries on their own since most of them want to have an ideal body

image, the one that resembles most

people that they see in the media. To this first pressure we have to add men, who are also being constantly bombarded by thin, beautiful women with no cellulite or imperfections. These kinds of women are those that most men want, dream about and find attractive, however, are they aware that these women aren’t that common?

The percentage that can actually achieve such a thin, long legged body type is of only 5% (of American women); now, imagine of how much damage the media pervasiveness regarding this specific body image is doing? I would say a lot. (Snac UCLA). It has to be said that the bodies haven’t changed, the standards changed. Just think of Marilyn Monroe and the Sex Symbols from a couple of years ago, nowadays they would be considered fat. Are Kate Moss or Lindsay Lohan your sex symbols? Would you really like to look like them?

Since most of us is in our twenties and you for sure have guy friends, just try recalling of how many times while watching a film, a TV-show they commented on how they want for example Jessica Alba or Angelina Jolie and, of how many times they said they wanted a girl like that. Did you try it? Good, now, think of how many times you said you wante

d a guy like… Chad Michel Murray or Josh Hartnett. By a guy like them I mean a guy with a six-pack, flawless, gentle, dreamy, intelligent and lots of other qualities that you could not find in the guy next door.

Well, once you have thought about this now try recalling both reac

tions, you as a girl probably felt frustrated but wanted to be in her shoes, he on the other hand just mumbled something and told you that guys like this do not exist. However, what most girls do not think about is that men also feel threatened by these Hollywood stars and their bodies. As much as we want to be perfect for our husbands and boyfriends, they want it as well.

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