As you will be able to see in the video downwards and in some articles from newspapers people are constantly being attacked from every side by articles and topics like diets and how to be thinner. As the Canadian Women’s Health Network (CWHN) reports, 90% of women and girls are unhappy with the way they look thanks to the media, which shows them an unrealistic, and unattainable figure/shape models to which they should look up to. By doing so it can lead people to some serious problems, as I you may know.

The media show us an unhealthy and universal way of how to achieve such figure, even if maybe, some people can get skinnier in a healthy way and be satisfied with themselves without looking like monsters. They in various ads, commercials, TV-shows, magazines and interviews promote various diets and ways of getting to this goal without thinking of what it can lead to or explaining the causes it can provoke.
As I said the CWHN provides us with some of these health problems, which are:
-Unhealthy dieting
-Taking drugs (pills) to lose weight
-Depression and other mental illnesses
-Disordered Eating
-Unnecessary Surgery.
These health problems aren’t attacking only the ‘common’ people but the celebrities as well, some like Anna Carolina Reston a 21-year-old model died of anorexia. This issue is an important and a rather neglected one, at least in the media and that is why I chose to write about it. In the Washington Post on November 16th, 2006 they released an article where they talked about the Brazilian model and where they mentioned the exact reason of her passing away.
In this particular article her the Washington Post posts exactly what has happened to her and some, in my opinion shocking facts like her weight comparing to her height (39.92-172.72) and her mother's statements. They conclude the article by saying that in Spain during a fashion show they banned ultra-thin models. As is it visible from this article and Reston's unfortunate and terrible death (which ended with an infection that thanks to bulimia and anorexia lead her to death). (The Washington Post)
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