In this last post I would just like to say that this particular problem that is circling the world, therefore the horrifying influence that various media images and talk shows about ideal weight, idealized body images and styles (both male and female) can be mellowed. It for sure will not be an easy task because people are used and have grown up with these idols; they have it rooted deep in their heads and memory. However some Media’s have gotten sick and tired with it and decided to turn things around, at least a bit.
The first example would be Quebec’s Coup de Pouce magazine who published only photos of full-sized women, moreover another magazine, Chatelaine pledged that they will not retouch nor include models younger than 25 in their photos. Another example occurred in 2006 in Madrid where ultra-thin models were banned from the runway (Media Awareness). September 9th, 2006 the Times published an article regarding the revolutionary banning in Madrid. They decided to band all present models who had a BMI (body mass index) lower than 18 and that whoever showed up had it lower then 16 will need treatment. However, since Madrid's fashion week is not as important as Milan's nor London's it really and unfortunately did not make a great impact, but, at least it was a step forward from someone in this industry (By Fran Yeoman, Carolyn Asome and Graham Keeley, Times Online).
The last but not least nor less important example is Dove which launched the ‘Campaign for Real Beauty’ which represented real women, with all their flaws and curves. They tried to show that real beauty does not mean being skinny and looking unhealthy. They wanted to show that beauty is different and it does not know age, race religion, none of these, everyone is equal, unique and should be treated and respected for who they are. One particular fact, that I have found interesting that, when they did their research they found that only 2% of women from ten different countries were satisfied with their bodies.
This topic may seem obvious but I think that every one of us needs to read and hear these things in order to really appreciate real values in life, be satisfied and confident with themselves and their bodies. Each and every one of us is unique and often flawed, asymmetric but this is exactly where the beauty of it lies.
P.S.-If you are interested a little bit more in this last topic and want to explore it a bit more and understand why these so called ‘Barbies’ are not the proper idols, go check out Dove’s web page, read their articles and maybe you will start appreciating yourselves and your extra kilo’s a bit more.
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I think it's a very important topic especially for women. Men are effected as well but not as much as women.I have to admit i'm when i look in the mirror and dont see the skinny body i feel like i need to lose weight,its bothering me and it's an influence of media. I was so happy when i firts saw Dove's new ad campaign,i though finally someone started to think about this issue...